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Concept Art From Rare

The fourth major project of my MA in Game Art was assigned by Rare, one of the most influential game companies in the UK.


Rare wrote a brief, and assembled the above concept artwork for us to recreate in Unreal Engine. The artwork depicts a dilapidated castle floating on a rock, surrounded by atmospheric clouds. The building is demolished and overgrown. The concept artwork is deeply stylized, and suggested a very atmospheric and painterly game environment. We decided to draw influences from Rare's most recent game, Sea of Thieves.


This was a group project, and Pierre, Freddy and I were tasked with creating this environment in just a few weeks, and intermittently presenting our work to Rare for feedback. While creating artwork for such a huge company was incredibly nerve-racking, it was also a really great oppertunity to get some real-world working experience, and it was a great learning opportunity.





As this project was a group project, scheduling was incredibly important. For the first week we assembled a sort-of art bible (which you can see above), which denoted who did what in the environment. This was a great guidline to have, but we were unable to stick to it entirely and we shuffled roles around throughout the project. Originally I was in charge of just the main walls and the round towers (as well as some minor set dressing), but as the project progressed I was also assigned the arches, sub arches and the floor. Finally, I was in charge of assembling and lighting the scene (with a lot of help from Pierre).


We also used Trello and Slack to keep track of each other's progress and to communicate with each other and Simon.

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